class dataswim.Ds(df=None, db=None, nbload_libs=True)

Bases: dataswim.db.Db, dataswim.data.Df, dataswim.charts.Plot, dataswim.maps.Map, dataswim.report.Report, dataswim.base.DsBase

Main class

add(col: str, value)

Add a column with default values

  • col (str) – column name
  • value (any) – column value

ds.add("Col 4", 0)

aenc(key, value)

Add an entry to the altair encoding dict

altair_encode = {}

Returns html script tags for Altair

amap(lat, long, zoom=13, tiles='map')

Sets a map

append(vals: list, index=None)

Append a row to the main dataframe

  • vals (list) – list of the row values to add
  • index – index key, defaults to None
  • index – any, optional

ds.append([0, 2, 2, 3, 4])

apply(function, *cols, axis=1, **kwargs)

Apply a function on columns values

  • function (function) – a function to apply to the columns
  • cols (name of columns) – columns names
  • axis – index (0) or column (1), default is 1
  • kwargs (optional) – arguments for df.apply
def f(row):
        # add a new column with a value
        row["newcol"] = row["Col 1] + 1
        return row

area_(label=None, style=None, opts=None, options={})

Get an area chart

arrow_(xloc, yloc, text, orientation='v', arrowstyle='->')

Returns an arrow for a chart. Params: the text, xloc and yloc are coordinates to position the arrow. Orientation is the way to display the arrow: possible values are [<, ^, >, v]. Arrow style is the graphic style of the arrow: possible values: [-, ->, -[, -|>, <->, <|-|>]

autoprint = False

Backup the main dataframe

backup_df = None
bar_(label=None, style=None, opts=None, options={})

Get a bar chart

bar_num_(label=None, style=None, opts=None)

Get an Altair bar + number marks chart


Returns html script tags for Bokeh

chart(x=None, y=None, chart_type=None, opts=None, style=None, label=None, options={}, **kwargs)

Get a chart

chart_(x=None, y=None, chart_type=None, opts=None, style=None, label=None, options={}, **kwargs)

Get a chart

chart_obj = None
chart_opts = {'width': 880}
chart_style = {}

Returns html script tags for Chartjs

circle_(label=None, style=None, opts=None, options={})

Get a circle chart


Clone the DataSwim instance

Parameters:quiet (bool, optional) – print a message, defaults to False
Returns:a dataswim instance
Return type:Ds

Change the chart’s color


Get a color from the palette

color_index = 0
cols_() → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Returns a dataframe with columns info

Returns:a pandas dataframe
Return type:pd.DataFrame
concat(*dss, **kwargs)
Concatenate dataswim instances from and
set it to the main dataframe
  • dss (Ds) – dataswim instances to concatenate
  • kwargs – keyword arguments for pd.concat
concat_(*dss, **kwargs)
Concatenate dataswim instances and
return a new Ds instance
  • dss (Ds) – dataswim instances to concatenate
  • kwargs – keyword arguments for pd.concat
Return type:


connect(url: str)

Connect to the database and set it as main database

Parameters:url (str) – path to the database, uses the Sqlalchemy format
contains(column, value)

Set the main dataframe instance to rows that contains a string value in a column

copycol(origin_col: str, dest_col: str)

Copy a columns values in another column

  • origin_col (str) – name of the column to copy
  • dest_col (str) – name of the new column

ds.copy("col 1", "New col")


Counts the number of rows of the main dataframe

count_() → int

Returns the number of rows of the main dataframe

Returns:number of rows
Return type:int
count_empty(field: str)

List of empty row indices

Parameters:field (str) – column to count from
count_nulls(field: str)

Count the number of null values in a column

Parameters:field (str) – the column to count from
count_unique_(field: str) → int

Return the number of unique values in a column

Parameters:field (str) – column to count from
Returns:number of unique values
Return type:int
count_zero(field: str)

List of row with 0 values

Parameters:field (str) – column to count from

Returns the coefficient of variance of a column in percentage

datapath = None
date(col: str, **kwargs)

Convert a column to date type

  • col (str) – column name
  • **kwargs (optional) – keyword arguments for pd.to_datetime


dateindex(col: str)

Set a datetime index from a column

Parameters:col (str) – column name where to index the date from

Returns a date parser for pandas

daterange(datecol: str, date_start: datetime.datetime, op: str, **args)

Set the main dataframe rows in a date range

  • datecol (str) – the column to use for range
  • date_start (datetime.datetime) – the date to start from
  • op (str) –
    • or -
daterange_(datecol: str, date_start: datetime.datetime, op: str, **args) → Ds

Returns a DataSwim instance with rows in a date range

  • datecol (str) – the column to use for range
  • date_start (datetime.datetime) – the date to start from
  • op (str) –
    • or -

a dataswim instance

Return type:


db = None

Prints a warning


Reset the chart options and style to defaults

density_(label=None, style=None, opts=None)

Get a Seaborn density chart


Return a description of the data

Returns:a pandas dataframe
Return type:pd.DataFrame
df = None
diffm(diffcol: str, name: str = 'Diff', default=nan)

Add a diff column to the main dataframe: calculate the diff from the column mean

  • diffcol (str) – column to diff from
  • name – diff column name, defaults to “Diff”
  • name – str, optional
  • default – column default value, defaults to nan
  • default – optional

ds.diffm("Col 1", "New col")

diffn(diffcol: str, name: str = 'Diff')

Add a diff column to the main dataframe: calculate the diff from the next value

  • diffcol (str) – column to diff from
  • name (str, optional) – diff column name, defaults to “Diff”

ds.diffn("Col 1", "New col")

diffp(diffcol: str, name: str = 'Diff')

Add a diff column to the main dataframe: calculate the diff from the previous value

  • diffcol (str) – column to diff from
  • name (str, optional) – diff column name, defaults to “Diff”

ds.diffp("Col 1", "New col")

diffs(col: str, serie: iterable, name: str = 'Diff')

Add a diff column from a serie. The serie is an iterable of the same length than the dataframe

  • col (str) – column to diff
  • serie (iterable) – serie to diff from
  • name – name of the diff col, defaults to “Diff”
  • name – str, optional

ds.diffs("Col 1", [1, 1, 4], "New col")

diffsp(col: str, serie: iterable, name: str = 'Diff')

Add a diff column in percentage from a serie. The serie is an iterable of the same length than the dataframe

  • col (str) – column to diff
  • serie (iterable) – serie to diff from
  • name – name of the diff col, defaults to “Diff”
  • name – str, optional

ds.diffp("Col 1", [1, 1, 4], "New col")

distrib_(label=None, style=None, opts=None)

Get a Seaborn distribution chart

dlinear_(label=None, style=None, opts=None)

Get a Seaborn linear + distribution chart


Drops columns from the main dataframe

Parameters:cols (str) – names of the columns
Example:ds.drop("Col 1", "Col 2")
drop_nan(col: str = None, method: str = 'all', **kwargs)

Drop rows with NaN values from the main dataframe

  • col (str, optional) – name of the column, defaults to None. Drops in
  • method (str, optional) – how param for df.dropna, defaults to “all”
  • **kwargs (optional) – params for df.dropna



Drops some rows from the main dataframe

Parameters:rows (list of ints) – rows names
Example:ds.drop_rows([0, 2])
dsmap = None

Prints an end message with elapsed time

engine = 'bokeh'

Handle an error

errorbar_(label=None, style=None, opts=None, options={})

Get a point chart

errors_handling = 'exceptions'
exact(column, *values)

Sets the main dataframe to rows that has the exact string value in a column

exact_(column, *values)

Returns a Dataswim instance with rows that has the exact string value in a column

exclude(col: str, val)

Delete rows based on value

  • col (str) – column name
  • val (any) – value to delete

ds.exclude("Col 1", "value")

fdate(*cols, precision: str = 'S', format: str = None)

Convert column values to formated date string

  • *cols (str, at least one) – names of the colums
  • precision (str, optional) – time precision: Y, M, D, H, Min S, defaults to “S”
  • format (str, optional) – python date format, defaults to None

ds.fdate("mycol1", "mycol2", precision)

fill_nan(val: str, *cols)

Fill NaN values with new values in the main dataframe

  • val (str) – new value
  • *cols (str, at least one) – names of the colums

ds.fill_nan("new value", "mycol1", "mycol2")

fill_nulls(col: str)

Fill all null values with NaN values in a column. Null values are None or en empty string

Parameters:col (str) – column name
first_() → pandas.core.series.Series

Select the first row

Returns:the first row as a serie
Return type:pd.Series
flat_(col, nums=True)

Returns a flat representation of a column’s values

footer = None
format_date_(date: datetime.datetime) → str

Format a date string

Parameters:date (datetime.datetime) – the input date
Returns:output date string
Return type:str
get_html(chart_obj=None, slug=None)

Get the html and script tag for a chart


Get all rows values for a table

gmean_(col: str, index_col: bool = True) → Ds

Group by and mean column

  • col (str) – column to group
  • index_col (bool) –

a dataswim instance

Return type:



ds2 = ds.gmean("Col 1")

gsum_(col: str, index_col: bool = True) → Ds

Group by and sum column

  • col (str) – column to group
  • index_col (bool) –

a dataswim instance

Return type:



ds2 = ds.gsum("Col 1")

header = None
heatmap_(label=None, style=None, opts=None, options={})

Get a heatmap chart


Change the chart’s height

hist_(label=None, style=None, opts=None, options={})

Get an historiogram chart

hline_(label=None, style=None, opts=None, options={})

Get a mean line chart

html(label, *msg)

Prints html in notebook

index(col: str)

Set an index to the main dataframe

Parameters:col (str) – column name where to index from
indexcol(col: str)

Add a column from the index

Parameters:col (str) – name of the new column
Example:ds.index_col("New col")
influx_cli = None

Count the number of rows for a measurement

influx_init(url, port, user, pwd, db)

Initialize an Influxdb database client


Runs an Influx db query

influx_to_csv(measurement, batch_size=5000)

Batch export data from an Influxdb measurement to csv


Prints a message with an info prefix

insert(table: str, records: dict, create_cols: bool = False, dtypes: List[sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.SchemaType] = None)
Insert one or many records in the database from a dictionary
or a list of dictionaries
  • table (str) – the table to insert into
  • records (dict) – a dictionnary or list of dictionnaries of the data to insert
  • create_cols (bool, optional) – create the columns if they don’t exist, defaults to False
  • dtypes (SchemaType, optional) – list of SqlAlchemy table types, defaults to None. The types are infered if not provided

Limit the dataframe to some columns

Parameters:cols (str) – names of the columns
Example:ds.keep("Col 1", "Col 2")
keep_(*cols) → Ds

Returns a dataswim instance with a dataframe limited to some columns

Parameters:cols (str) – names of the columns
Returns:a dataswim instance
Return type:Ds
Example:ds2 = ds.keep_("Col 1", "Col 2")
label = None
layout_(chart_objs, cols=3)

Returns a Holoview Layout from chart objects

limit(r: int = 5)

Limit selection to a range in the main dataframe

Parameters:r (int, optional) – number of rows to keep, defaults to 5
limit_(r: int = 5) → Ds

Returns a DataSwim instance with limited selection

Returns:a Ds instance
Return type:Ds
line_(label=None, style=None, opts=None, options={})

Get a line chart

line_num_(label=None, style=None, opts=None)

Get an Altair line + number marks chart

line_point_(label=None, style=None, opts=None, options={}, colors={'line': 'orange', 'point': '#30A2DA'})

Get a line and point chart

load(table: str)

Set the main dataframe from a table’s data

Parameters:table (str) – table name
load_csv(url, **kwargs)

Loads csv data in the main dataframe

  • url (str) – url of the csv file to load: can be absolute if it starts with / or relative if it starts with ./
  • kwargs – keyword arguments to pass to Pandas read_csv function


load_django(query: django query)

Load the main dataframe from a django orm query

Parameters:query (django query) – django query from a model
load_django_(query: django query) → Ds

Returns a DataSwim instance from a django orm query

Parameters:query (django query) – django query from a model
Returns:a dataswim instance with data from a django query
Return type:Ds
Example:ds2 = ds.load_django_(Mymodel.objects.all())
load_excel(filepath, **kwargs)

Set the main dataframe with the content of an Excel file

  • filepath (str) – url of the csv file to load, can be absolute if it starts with / or relative if it starts with ./
  • kwargs – keyword arguments to pass to Pandas read_excel function



Load a Hdf5 file to the main dataframe

Parameters:filepath (str) – url of the csv file to load, can be absolute if it starts with / or relative if it starts with ./
load_json(path, **kwargs)

Load data in the main dataframe from json

  • filepath (str) – url of the csv file to load, can be absolute if it starts with / or relative if it starts with ./
  • kwargs – keyword arguments to pass to Pandas read_json function


lreg(xcol, ycol, name='Regression')

Add a column to the main dataframe populted with the model’s linear regression for a column

lreg_(label=None, style=None, opts=None, options={})

Get a linear regression chart

map_(lat, long, zoom=13, tiles='map')

Returns a map

marker(lat, long, text, color=None, icon=None)

Set the main map with a marker to the default map

marker_(lat, long, text, pmap, color=None, icon=None)

Returns the map with a marker to the default map

mbar_(col, x=None, y=None, rsum=None, rmean=None)

Splits a column into multiple series based on the column’s unique values. Then visualize theses series in a chart. Parameters: column to split, x axis column, y axis column Optional: rsum=”1D” to resample and sum data an rmean=”1D” to mean the data

mcluster(lat_col: str, lon_col: str)

Add a markers cluster to the map

merge(df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, on: str, how: str = 'outer', **kwargs)

Set the main dataframe from the current dataframe and the passed dataframe

  • df (pd.DataFrame) – the pandas dataframe to merge
  • on (str) – param for pd.merge
  • how (str, optional) – param for pd.merge, defaults to “outer”
  • kwargs – keyword arguments for pd.merge
mfw_(col, sw_lang='english', limit=100)

Returns a Dataswim instance with the most frequent words in a column exluding the most common stop words

mline_(col, x=None, y=None, rsum=None, rmean=None)

Splits a column into multiple series based on the column’s unique values. Then visualize theses series in a chart. Parameters: column to split, x axis column, y axis column Optional: rsum=”1D” to resample and sum data an rmean=”1D” to mean the data

mline_point_(col, x=None, y=None, rsum=None, rmean=None)

Splits a column into multiple series based on the column’s unique values. Then visualize theses series in a chart. Parameters: column to split, x axis column, y axis column Optional: rsum=”1D” to resample and sum data an rmean=”1D” to mean the data

mpoint_(col, x=None, y=None, rsum=None, rmean=None)

Splits a column into multiple series based on the column’s unique values. Then visualize theses series in a chart. Parameters: column to split, x axis column, y axis column Optional: rsum=”1D” to resample and sum data an rmean=”1D” to mean the data

msg = None
msg_(label, *msg)

Returns a message with a label

nan = None
nan_empty(col: str)

Fill empty values with NaN values

Parameters:col (str) – name of the colum
ncontains(column, value)

Set the main dataframe instance to rows that do not contains a string value in a column

ndlayout_(dataset, kdims, cols=3)

Create a Holoview NdLayout from a dictionnary of chart objects

notebook = False
nowrange(col: str, timeframe: str)

Set the main dataframe with rows within a date range from now

  • col (str) – the column to use for range
  • timeframe (str) – units are: S, H, D, W, M, Y

example: ds.nowrange("Date", "3D")

nowrange_(col: str, timeframe: str) → Ds

Returns a Dataswim instance with rows within a date range from now

  • col (str) – the column to use for range
  • timeframe (str) – units are: S, H, D, W, M, Y


Return type:


example: ds2 = ds.nowrange_("Date", "3D")


Prints a message with an ok prefix


Shows one row of the dataframe and the field names wiht count

Returns:a pandas dataframe
Return type:pd.DataFrame
opt(name, value)

Add or update one option


Add or update options

pivot(index, **kwargs)

Pivots a dataframe

point_(label=None, style=None, opts=None, options={})

Get a point chart

point_num_(label=None, style=None, opts=None)

Get an Altair point + number marks chart


Prints a progress message

quants_(inf, sup, chart_type='point', color='green')

Draw a chart to visualize quantiles

query(q: str) → dataset.util.ResultIter

Query the database

Parameters:q (str) – the query to perform
Returns:a dictionary with the query results
Return type:dataset.util.ResultIter
quiet = False
radar_(label=None, style=None, opts=None, options={})

Get a radar chart


Remove an entry from the altair encoding dict


Reset the altair encoding dict

ratio(col: str, ratio_col: str = 'Ratio')

Add a column whith the percentages ratio from a column

  • col (str) – column to calculate ratio from
  • ratio_col – new ratio column name, defaults to “Ratio”
  • ratio_col – str, optional

ds2 = ds.ratio("Col 1")


Reset the color to the base color

relation(table: str, origin_field: str, search_field: str, destination_field: str = None, id_field: str = 'id')

Add a column to the main dataframe from a relation foreign key

  • table (str) – the table to select from
  • origin_field (str) – the column name in the origin table to search from, generally an id column
  • search_field (str) – the column name in the foreign table
  • destination_field (str, optional) – name of the column to be created with the data in the datframe, defaults to None, will be named as the origin_field if not provided
  • id_field (str, optional) – name of the primary key to use, defaults to “id”

example: ds.relation("product", "category_id", "name")

relation_(table: str, origin_field: str, search_field: str, destination_field=None, id_field='id') → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
Returns a DataSwim instance with a column filled from a relation
foreign key
  • table (str) – the table to select from
  • origin_field (str) – the column name in the origin table to search from, generally an id column
  • search_field (str) – the column name in the foreign table
  • destination_field (str, optional) – name of the column to be created with the data in the datframe, defaults to None, will be named as the origin_field if not provided
  • id_field (str, optional) – name of the primary key to use, defaults to “id”

a pandas DataFrame

Return type:


rename(source_col: str, dest_col: str)

Renames a column in the main dataframe

  • source_col (str) – name of the column to rename
  • dest_col (str) – new name of the column

ds.rename("Col 1", "New col")

replace(col: str, searchval: str, replaceval: str)

Replace a value in a column in the main dataframe

  • col (str) – column name
  • searchval (str) – value to replace
  • replaceval (str) – new value

ds.replace("mycol", "value", "new_value")

report_engines = []
report_path = None
reports = []
residual_(label=None, style=None, opts=None)

Returns a Seaborn models residuals chart


Restore the main dataframe


Reverses the main dataframe order

rmean(time_period: str, num_col: str = 'Number', dateindex: str = None)

Resample and add a mean column the main dataframe to a time period

  • time_period – unit + period: periods are Y, M, D, H, Min, S
  • time_period – str
  • num_col – number of the new column, defaults to “Number”
  • num_col – str, optional
  • dateindex – column name to use as date index, defaults to None


rmean_(time_period: str, num_col: str = 'Number', dateindex: str = None)

Resample and add a mean column the main dataframe to a time period and returns a new Ds instance

  • time_period – unit + period: periods are Y, M, D, H, Min, S
  • time_period – str
  • num_col – number of the new column, defaults to “Number”
  • num_col – str, optional
  • dateindex – column name to use as date index, defaults to None



Remove one option


Reset the chart options

roundvals(col: str, precision: int = 2)

Round floats in a column. Numbers are going to be converted to floats if they are not already

  • col (str) – column name
  • precision – float precision, defaults to 2
  • precision – int, optional



Remove one style


Reset the chart options

rsum(time_period: str, num_col: str = 'Number', dateindex: str = None)

Resample and add a sum the main dataframe to a time period

  • time_period – unit + period: periods are Y, M, D, H, Min, S
  • time_period – str
  • num_col – number of the new column, defaults to “Number”
  • num_col – str, optional
  • dateindex – column name to use as date index, defaults to None
  • dateindex – str, optional


rsum_(time_period: str, num_col: str = 'Number', dateindex: str = None)

Resample and add a sum the main dataframe to a time period and returns a new Ds instance

  • time_period – unit + period: periods are Y, M, D, H, Min, S
  • time_period – str
  • num_col – number of the new column, defaults to “Number”
  • num_col – str, optional
  • dateindex – column name to use as date index, defaults to None
  • dateindex – str, optional


rule_(label=None, style=None, opts=None, options={})

Get a rule chart

sarea_(col, x=None, y=None, rsum=None, rmean=None)

Get an stacked area chart

sbar_(stack_index=None, label=None, style=None, opts=None, options={})

Get a stacked bar chart


Set a unique color from a serie

sconnect(url: str)
seaborn_bar_(label=None, style=None, opts=None)

Get a Seaborn bar chart

show(rows: int = 5, dataframe: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame = None) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Display info about the dataframe

  • rows – number of rows to show, defaults to 5
  • rows – int, optional
  • dataframe – a pandas dataframe, defaults to None
  • dataframe – pd.DataFrame, optional

a pandas dataframe

Return type:





Change the chart’s point size

sline_(window_size=5, y_label='Moving average', chart_label=None)

Get a moving average curve chart to smooth between points

sort(col: str)

Sorts the main dataframe according to the given column

Parameters:col (str) – column name
Example:ds.sort("Col 1")
split_(col: str) -> list(Ds)

Split the main dataframe according to a column’s unique values and return a dict of dataswim instances

Returns:list of dataswim instances
Return type:list(Ds)
Example:dss = ds.slit_("Col 1")
sq_(query: str)
sqm_(query: str, values)
square_(label=None, style=None, opts=None, options={})

Get a square chart

stack(slug, chart_obj=None, title=None)

Get the html for a chart and store it


Prints an start message

start_time = None
static_path = None

Prints a status message

strip(col: str)

Remove leading and trailing white spaces in a column’s values

Parameters:col (str) – name of the column

Remove leading and trailing white spaces in columns names

style(name, value)

Add or update one style


Add or update styles


Set the main dataframe to a subset based in positions Select a subset of the main dataframe based on position: ex: ds.subset(0,10) or ds.subset(10) is equivalent: it starts at the first row if only one argument is provided


Returns a Dataswim instance with a subset data based in positions Select a subset of the main dataframe based on position: ex: ds.subset(0,10) or ds.subset(10) is equivalent: it starts at the first row if only one argument is provided


Prints a subtitle for pipelines

sum_(col: str) → float

Returns the sum of all values in a column

Parameters:col (str) – column name
Returns:sum of all the column values
Return type:float
Example:sum = ds.sum_("Col 1")
table(name: str)

Display info about a table: number of rows and columns

Parameters:name (str) – name of the table
Example:tables = ds.table("mytable")

Print the existing tables in a database

tables_() → list

Return a list of the existing tables in a database

Returns:list of the table names
Return type:list
Example:tables = ds.tables_()
tail(rows: int = 5)

Returns the main dataframe’s tail

  • rows – number of rows to print, defaults to 5
  • rows – int, optional

a pandas dataframe

Return type:




text_(label=None, style=None, opts=None)

Get an Altair text marks chart

tick_(label=None, style=None, opts=None, options={})

Get an tick chart

timestamps(col: str, **kwargs)

” Add a timestamps column from a date column

  • col (str) – name of the timestamps column to add
  • **kwargs (optional) – keyword arguments for pd.to_datetime



Prints a title for pipelines

tmarker(lat, long, text, color=None, icon=None, style=None)

Returns the map with a text marker to the default map

tmarker_(lat, long, text, pmap, color=None, icon=None, style=None)

Returns the map with a text marker to the default map

to_csv(filepath: str, index: bool = False, **kwargs)

Write the main dataframe to a csv file

  • filepath (str) – path of the file to save
  • index – [description], defaults to False
  • index – bool, optional
  • *args – arguments to pass to pd.to_csv

ds.to_csv_("myfile.csv", header=false)

to_db(table: str, dtypes: List[sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.SchemaType] = None)

Save the main dataframe to the database

  • table (str) – the table to create
  • dtypes (List[SchemaType], optional) – SqlAlchemy columns type, defaults to None, will be infered if not provided
to_excel(filepath: str, title: str)

Write the main dataframe to an Excell file

  • filepath (str) – path of the Excel file to write
  • title (str) – Title of the stylesheet

ds.to_excel_("./myfile.xlsx", "My data")

to_file(slug, folderpath=None, header=None, footer=None)

Writes the html report to a file from the report stack


Writes the html report to one file per report

to_float(col: str, **kwargs)

Convert colums values to float

  • col (str, at least one) – name of the colum
  • **kwargs (optional) – keyword arguments for df.astype


to_hdf5(filepath: str)

Write the main dataframe to Hdf5 file

Parameters:filepath (str) – path where to save the file
to_html_() → str

Convert the main dataframe to html

Returns:html data
Return type:str
to_int(*cols, **kwargs)

Convert some column values to integers

  • *cols (str, at least one) – names of the colums
  • **kwargs (optional) – keyword arguments for pd.to_numeric

ds.to_int("mycol1", "mycol2", errors="coerce")

to_javascript_(table_name: str = 'data') → str

Convert the main dataframe to javascript code

  • table_name – javascript variable name, defaults to “data”
  • table_name – str, optional

a javascript constant with the data

Return type:




to_json_() → str

Convert the main dataframe to json

Returns:json data
Return type:str
to_markdown_() → str

Convert the main dataframe to markdown

Returns:markdown data
Return type:str
to_numpy_(table_name: str = 'data') → numpy.array

Convert the main dataframe to a numpy array

  • table_name – name of the python variable, defaults to “data”
  • table_name – str, optional

a numpy array

Return type:




to_python_(table_name: str = 'data') → list

Convert the main dataframe to python a python list

  • table_name – python variable name, defaults to “data”
  • table_name – str, optional

a python list of lists with the data

Return type:




to_records_() → dict

Returns a list of dictionary records from the main dataframe

Returns:a python dictionnary with the data
Return type:str
to_rst_() → str

Convert the main dataframe to restructured text

Returns:rst data
Return type:str
to_type(dtype: type, *cols, **kwargs)

Convert colums values to a given type in the main dataframe

  • dtype (type) – a type to convert to: ex: str
  • *cols (str, at least one) – names of the colums
  • **kwargs (optional) – keyword arguments for df.astype

ds.to_type(str, "mycol")

trimiquants(col: str, inf: float)

Remove superior and inferior quantiles from the dataframe

  • col (str) – column name
  • inf (float) – inferior quantile

ds.trimiquants("Col 1", 0.05)

trimquants(col: str, inf: float, sup: float)

Remove superior and inferior quantiles from the dataframe

  • col (str) – column name
  • inf (float) – inferior quantile
  • sup (float) – superior quantile

ds.trimquants("Col 1", 0.01, 0.99)

trimsquants(col: str, sup: float)

Remove superior quantiles from the dataframe

  • col (str) – column name
  • sup (float) – superior quantile

ds.trimsquants("Col 1", 0.99)

types_(col: str) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Display types of values in a column

Parameters:col (str) – column name
Returns:a pandas dataframe
Return type:pd.DataFrame
Example:ds.types_("Col 1")
unique_(col: str) → list

Returns unique values in a column

Parameters:col (str) – the column to select from
Returns:a list of unique values in the column
Return type:list
update_table(table: str, pks: List[str] = ['id'], mirror: bool = True)

Update records in a database table from the main dataframe

  • table (str) – table to update
  • pks (List[str], optional :param mirror: delete the rows not in the new datataset) – if rows with matching pks exist they will be updated, otherwise a new row is inserted in the table, defaults to [“id”]
upsert(table: str, record: dict, create_cols: bool = False, dtypes: List[sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.SchemaType] = None, pks: List[str] = ['id'])

Upsert a record in a table

  • table (str) – the table to upsert into
  • record (dict) – dictionary with the data to upsert
  • create_cols (bool, optional) – create the columns if it doesn’t exist, defaults to False
  • dtypes (List[SchemaType], optional) – list of SqlAlchemy column types, defaults to None
  • pks (List[str], optional) – if rows with matching pks exist they will be updated, otherwise a new row is inserted in the table, defaults to [“id”]
version = '0.6.0'

Prints a warning


Change the chart’s width


Weight unique values: returns a dataframe with a count of unique values

x = None
y = None

Converts zero values to nan values in selected columns

Parameters:*cols (str, at least one) – names of the colums
Example:ds.zero_nan("mycol1", "mycol2")